Spring Clean Your HR: Tips for Organizing HR Processes and Documentation

In an ideal world your HR processes and documentation would always be up to date, but so would that cupboard under the stairs and let’s face it, sometimes you just need a good sort out.

Spring is on the way so there’s no better time to spring-clean your HR, just like tidying your home organising your HR processes and documentation makes things more efficient and more productive - but it can be tough to know where to start.

Get out the bin bags and let us help guide the way 

Assess and Update Your Policies

First job, take a look at your HR policies, we guarantee you won’t have reviewed some of them in a while. Update them and ensure they align with current laws, regulations and industry best practices. You can also use the opportunity to communicate any policy changes to your employees and ensure everyone is aware of the updates and any changes which may affect them. 

Digitize Your Documentation

Paper-based HR processes are becoming obsolete but we’re willing to bet the last time you did a performance review or return to work you probably printed it out and made notes with a pen - old habits die hard but digitising your documentation to create a centralised and accessible repository. Cloud-based HR software is a great option helping to streamline document storage, making it simpler to retrieve essential information and you’ll be doing your bit for the environment too.

There are some really neat and simple solutions out there, you can use great systems such as Breathe HR or simply use Sharepoint, there is an option whatever the budget. 

Implement an Efficient Record-Keeping System

This is different to digitally filing your documents. You can put them all in almost any cloud-based storage system but as the files grow things will become harder to find - particularly when you don’t remember what you named the file (we’ve all been there!) Categorise and organise employee records and other crucial documents to create a well structured system that allows quick access whether for routine tasks or unexpected situations. 

Streamline Onboarding Processes

Take a look at your onboarding processes, can the experience be enhanced for new joiners to your business? Create a checklist including all necessary paperwork and make as much digital as you can, a streamlined process sets the one for a positive and organised workplace and creates a great first experience for your new hire. 

Update Employee Handbooks

This is the one-stop guide to company policies and procedures, so if you’ve done the first step, you’ll need to do this too. Updating the employee handbook is also a great opportunity to get feedback from employees or address common queries or concerns, 

Review and Refresh Job Descriptions

Ever had a look at your job description and thought ‘That’s nothing like what I do’ Yep us too, the reality is roles evolve but that evolution needs to be recorded. Outdated job descriptions can lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction and can create a future pain point when recruiting for the role. Regularly reviewing and updating job descriptions contributes to a more transparent relationship for everyone. 

We’re no Marie Kondo…

But tidy mind, tidy life and all that, you don’t need to fold your shirts into plump little rectangles (unless that’s your thing in which case no judgment’ but if you are able to take some time to focus on your HR processes and documentation it really will set the stage for a more efficient, compliant and employee-friendly workplace and doesn’t that sound like an excellent place to be?

Need some help? Get in touch info@ezhr.uk or 0161 843 5678


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